Saturday, May 06, 2006

Hour longgg feverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

hey fools!

Its was one of the buzziest week I've ever had! haha I finished class early yesterday, which is right after lunch. Jack and I decided to cruise down to KFC for our regular MAORI FOOD which seems to be one of our favourites. When we were eating there, Joanna and Stephy showed up to order some food as well. Man Joanna is smoking hot I tell you! Oh well, we had a short conversation with them before we decided that we should go for a walk to Botany! BTW, to my KL friends, the distance from Howick to Botany is like from Sri KDU to One Utama! I know we're insane, but thats part of the package isn't it ;)

Well on the way, we decided tht we should just walk randomly instead of having a destination. So as usual, we got lost at this random place called Our Lady Star in The Sea Primary School ! WE decided to act retarded just to see how good our drama skills are. Well I can say that we pulled it off pretty well!!! Everyone was looking to see if we need extra help and stuff. hahahahahahaha that was so funny I tell you.

After that, had to go to Woolworths to stock up my fridge. So Jack came with me. Bought some coke and we decided to go skateboarding after that! So went home to get my deck, called Jon and off we went!! It was fun I tell you. The feeling of falling. Orgasmic. Well, we decided to eat Asian after that because Aaron the Wasian (Asian-wannabe kiwi) wanted to join us for dinner and insisted that we should eat Asian. SO we ended up eating at Duckling King. AFter that ,had a game of DOTA with Jon and Aaron, and off we went home. I guess that summarized my day :)

Its amazing how bitchy some people can be. Just because they hate someone, they have to be stupid and start a smearing campaign against the person. I'm talking bout you Ling. Don't worry, Ill be by your side and we'll get them back. This I promise you. We'll get the back good. Don't you worry.

Anyway, I'm off now. Gonna have lunch and its Skate time for Zane Christensen, Jack Herewini, Jon Chen and Tristen Won!!

Cheers suckas!

1 comment:

tristo said...

hahahaha trust me xian. They are hot =)